Grades and Transcripts

All credits are based on semester hours. A 4.000 grading system is used. All students are considered In Good Academic Standing unless a required to withdraw status is indicated.

Undergraduate, Dentistry, Health Science Professional Grades

Grade Grade Points Description
A 4.00 Superior
A- 3.67
AB 3 3.50
B+ 3.33
B 3.00 Good
B- 2.67
BC 3 2.50
C+ 2.33
C 2.00 Satisfactory
C- 1.67
CD 3 1.50
D 1.00 Minimum Passing
F 1,2 0.00 Failure
FA 1 0.00 Failure for Absence
WF 0.00 Failure for Absence

1 For those undergraduate students who entered the University between Fall 1974 through Spring 1991, the grade of F was not used in the computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA) until Summer 1999. For those undergraduates who entered the University beginning Summer 1991, the grade of F was used in the computation of the GPA. Re-admitted undergraduate students were graded under the F-policy in effect at the time of their last enrollment until Summer 1999. Until Summer 1999, the I, X, IX grades were not required to be removed and were not used in the computation of the GPA.

2 The School of Dentistry grades of D and F are unacceptable but may be remediated upon approval (See Dental Bulletin for further information); the grades of D and F are always included in the computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA). As of the Fall 2003 term, the grade of D was eliminated from the School of Dentistry grading system making it no longer a valid grade.

3 Grades AB, BC and CD effective Fall 1979 through Summer 2017; WF and +/- grading effective Fall 2017.

Graduate Grades

Grade Grade Points Description
A 4.00 Excellent
A- 3.67
AB 1 3.50
B+ 3.33
B 3.00 Satisfactory
B- 2.67
BC 1 2.50
C+ 2.33
C 2.00 Minimally Acceptable
C- 1.67
CD 1 1.50
D 1.00
F 0.00 Failure
FA 0.00
WF 0.00

1 Grades AB, BC and CD effective Fall 1979 through Summer 2017; WF and +/- grading effective Fall 2017.

Law Grades

Effective Fall 2009
Grade Grade Points 1 Description
A+ 4.00 Distinguished Performance
A 4.00 Outstanding
A- 3.67 Excellent
B+ 3.33 Very Good
B 3.00 Good
B- 2.67 Competent
C+ 2.33 Adequate
C 2.00 Minimally Competent
C- 1.67 Less than Satisfactory
D 1.00 Poor
F 0.00 Failure
Effective Fall 1990
Grade Points Description
4.00 Excellent
AB 3.50
B 3.00 Good
BC 2.50
C 2.00 Satisfactory
CD 1.50
D 1.00 Unsatisfactory
F 0.00 Failing
Effective Fall 1979
Grade Description
78-100 Satisfactory - Excellent
67-75 Unsatisfactory
0-66 Failing

1 Non-law courses taken during the law degree program may not be counted toward grade points for the law degree program.

Grades Without Associated Grade Points

Grade Explanation
A* - F* Standard grades with no credit or grade points.
ADW Administrative Withdrawal; not student initiated.
AU Audit; excluded from attempted credits.
AUA Audit; included in attempted credits.
CR Undergraduate credit; equivalent to C or better.
Law credit; repeated course with passing performance.
H Law credit; signifies exceptional performance of a limited number of students in the course.
HP Graduate credit; equivalent to B or better.
I Incomplete; assigned by request of student.
IC Incomplete course; assigned to all enrolled students.
IE Incomplete extension.
IP In Progress; current term.
IR Incomplete; remediation required for final grade.
IX Incomplete; student absent from final examination (prior to Fall 2014).
LP Undergraduate credit; equivalent to C-, D+, or D.
NC Undergraduate no credit; equivalent to less than C.
Law no credit; repeated course without passing performance.
NG No Grade assigned.
NP Undergraduate no credit; equivalent to less than D.
Graduate and Dental no credit; equivalent to less than C.
Law no credit; based on usual scale.
NPF Not Passed/Failed; no credit; equivalent to less than D.
P Passing credit earned on Pass/Fail basis (prior to Fall 1989).
Beginning Spring 2020
Undergraduate and Dental credit; equivalent to C or better.
Graduate credit; equivalent to B-, C+, or C.
Law credit; based on usual scale.
PC Placement credit awarded.
PD Pass with Distinction; credit; equivalent to A.
PI Permanent Incomplete.
PL Indicates placement via testing; no credit awarded.
PS Pass/Satisfactory; credit; equivalent to B or C.
RG Registered – future term(s).
S Satisfactory; credit; equivalent to C or better (D or better prior to Fall 1974).
SNC Satisfactory in zero credit course.
SY Satisfactory; no credit; assigned in first term of multi-term course.
TC Test credit awarded.
U Unsatisfactory; no credit; equivalent to less than C.
UNC Unsatisfactory in zero credit course.
UW Unexcused Withdrawal; student never attended (Fall 2008 or later); administrative withdrawal (prior to Fall 2008).
UWF Withdrew without permission of the Dean (prior to Fall 1974).
UY Unsatisfactory no credit; assigned first term of multi-term course.
W Withdrawal; initiated by the student with approval of Dean or Director.
WA Withdrawal for excessive absences; initiated by Dean or Director.
WAU Withdrawal from an audited course (prior to Fall 1974).
WC Withdrawal; failure to meet admissions requirements (prior to Fall 1974).
WF Withdrawal after deadline with failing grade; applied to record as F grade.
WP Withdrawal after deadline with passing grade (prior to Fall 1974).
X Absent from final examination (prior to Fall 2014).

Course Numbering System

Beginning Fall 2009

Course Number Course Explanation
1-999 Remedial courses
1000-1999 Introductory lower-division undergraduate courses
2000-2999 Lower-division undergraduate courses
3000-3999 Upper-division undergraduate courses
4000-4999 Advanced upper division undergraduate courses
5000-5999 Undergraduate/Graduate cross-listed courses
6000-6999 Master’s level courses
7000-7999 Professional level courses
8000-8999 Doctoral level courses
9000-9999 Administrative courses

Prior to Fall 2009

Course Number Course Explanation
1-99 or 001-099 Undergraduate lower-division courses
100-199 Undergraduate upper-division courses (certain courses may be taken for graduate credit with approval of student’s major department)
200-399 Graduate courses
400-599 Professional courses
800-999 Continuous Enrollment and Special Courses

Transcript Notes

Notes Explanation
G Approved for Graduate credit
H Honors credit
I Original grade was an incomplete
A Repeat; exclude credit, include GPA
O Repeat; include credit and GPA (last used Fall 2002)
R Repeat; exclude credit and GPA
S Repeat; include credit and GPA


Translations Explanation
Quality Points Grade Points
Degree hours Earned hours

Marquette University Grading Systems

Marquette assigns two kinds of grades: midterm grades and final grades. Midterm grades are required for most undergraduate classes and do not remain on the permanent record. Final grades are assigned to all students and remain on the permanent record.

Midterm and final grades are posted online via CheckMarq the week after the exam period. The university does not mail grade reports to students or parents.

Marquette University Transcript Acceptable Use

A transcript is the complete and unabridged record of all academic work attempted at Marquette and includes only those Marquette courses in which a student was/is enrolled. It also includes the degree and major of the student, once a student completes his/her degree at Marquette. Course, grade and degree information contained on the transcript is released only upon written consent from the student as required by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. See Marquette's FERPA policy.

A transcript from Marquette is considered unofficial and should not be accepted or used for verification purposes of any kind if it is received by you from the student or any 3rd party, other than the two entities listed below:

When received from the Office of the Registrar or Parchment, you can be confident that this is the official Marquette transcript and has not been altered in any way.

To that end, it is vitally important that any time there is a need to view the academic record of a Marquette student, only the official transcript is requested and accepted.

How do I.

Students who need assistance with anything concerning transcripts should contact Marquette Central at 414-288-4000.

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1250 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-4000