Enter the bolded search term and click search. Results are limited to the first 100 records. The more specific the search the better results you will receive. Search suggestions:
John Smith - Name search for where John and Smith exist in the first two name lines of the property owner.
Joh Smit - Partial Name Search which will list properties .
R1912345 - Real Estate Search for the statement number 1912345. This can be found on your mailed statement.
P1912345 - Personal Property Search for the statement number 1912345. This can be found on your mailed statement.
S-1912345 - Statement Number Search for the statement number 1912345. This can be found on your mailed statement.
00-123456 - Personal Property Parcel Number search. This can be found on your statements or receipts from prior years.
01-1.0-01.0-000.0-000-123.456 - Real Estate Parcel Number search. This can be found on your statements or receipts from prior years.
P-123456 - Parcel Portion search. This will return the results for both personal property and real estate where the last six digits (without any dots) exist.