Pearson MyMathLab/MyStatLab (MML/MSL) Assignment Setting Instructions


Adjust Quiz Settings for Students who need more time.

  1. Enter the MML course>Click Gradebook in left Nav bar
  2. From the Gradebook, Class Roster>Click the student's name who needs more time on Quizzes and/or Exams
  3. Locate the Quiz or Exam in the list of assignments, in the Action column>Click the dropdown list>Choose Settings Per Student
  4. Click the Use Individual Student Settings radio button>Update the time limit and other settings
  5. Click Save Settings

Add a Quiz Attempt for an individual student

  1. In the MML course, click HW & Test Manager on the left Nav bar
  2. A list of all assignments for the course will appear, go the assignment you want to change>In the Action column, Click the dropdown menu>Select Settings Per Student
  3. Click the gray bar-Add/Remove Students from List>Select the student who needs an assignment change and move their name to the right window-Students with Individual Settings>Click Save
  4. The assignment settings should now appear, make the appropriate updates. For example: change the number of attempts to 2 or change the Time Limit
  5. Click Update

Not able to review the homework problems that a student has completed

  1. Go in to MML>Click the MML Instructor Tools>Click Homework/Test Manager
  2. In the toolbar below the Homework/Test Manager heading>Click the drop down arrow and select Change Settings for Multiple Assignments
  3. In the Assignment Type drop down>Choose Homework Assignments
  4. In the Presentation Options section>Check the Save Values checkbox
  5. Click Apply Settings button in the lower right corner. This will allow students to review their answers.

Note: This setting can not be applied to any assignment that was already started.

Posted by: Amy Sorensen - Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 1:48 PM. This article has been viewed 6228 times.
Filed Under: Accommodations, Pearson

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