Parent Resources

The mission of the Park Street Intermediate School, together with families and community, is academic excellence, expecting all students to achieve their greatest potential .

Vision or Belief Statement

Learning Together, Achieving Together

Park Street Intermediate School believes…

P ositive school climate is reflected by mutual respect, trust, and optimism.

S afe, encouraging, challenging environment leads to maximized potential.

I nvolving families and community (local to global) fosters learning.

C ollaboration, cooperation, and communication motivate all to succeed.

A ctivities must engage, motivate, inspire and meet the needs of all learners.

N ew learning is a life-long goal.

School Day Schedule

8:5 5 a.m. Doors open

9:10 a.m. Tardy bell

3: 5 5 p.m. Dismissal

Agenda Book Policy

1. Students should have their Agenda Book with them at all times.

2. Your Agenda Book will be used for organization, dates, and assignments.

3. Your Agenda Book will be a communication link between home and school.

4. Your Agenda Book contains your HALL PASS RECORD.

5. All students must have an agenda hall pass that contains teacher signature, time frame, and destination to be out of the classroom at anytime.

6. Parents should review the Agenda Book each evening with their child.

7. Personal agenda books should maintain school appropriate appearance and content.

8. There is a $5.00 replacement fee if your Agenda Book is lost.

Inclement Weather Procedures – Calamity Days

We understand that the decision to keep schools open or close them in bad weather has a big impact on our families and staff. We also know that our students are better served – both academically and socially – by being in school. Please know that the safety of our students and staff is always our top priority in any decision of this sort.

WHO MAKES THE DECISION? The superintendent of schools is responsible for the final decision, based on the factors listed below and recommendations from key staff members.

WHEN IS THE DECISION MADE? We make every effort to make our decision by 5:30 a.m. or earlier so we can notify radio and TV stations and post the decision on our Website ( ), Facebook and Twitter. If we wait longer to announce a closing, our buses are already on the road and many parents will have already left for work, leaving their children at home unsupervised.

HOW ARE PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC NOTIFIED? Parents will receive a telephone call and/or e-mail through our parent notification system when the decision is made to close school. Please make sure your emergency contact information is up-to-date through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Contact Preferences) to receive your notification.

We will also continue to notify the media of all school closings. Parents can check our Website for closing information ( ) and/or sign up for Facebook or Twitter notification through the Web site. Many of our local television stations have immediate notifications that can be sent to your email, cell phone or home phone. Given the fact we have approximately 20,685 students, we ask that you not call the school or the district offices, unless it is an emergency.

For additional information about Calamity Days and a list of television stations, sites, and social media sites where closing information will be made available, please visit our Website at: Snow Days/Inclement Weather Webpage

Student Dress Code

Students are not permitted to bring toys or unapproved electronic devices (such as radios, headsets, portable game systems, fidget spinners etc.) to school. These often interfere with learning and may get lost, stolen, or broken. Any such items brought to school will be held in the office until a parent/guardian comes to school to retrieve the item.

Students may have cell phones in their backpacks for use outside the school day. Cell phones that become a distraction during the school day will be held in the office until a parent/guardian comes to school to retrieve them.

The school will not be responsible for lost or damaged equipment brought to school.

Students may not bring any items to trade with or sell to another student.

Gum chewing is not permitted at school. We ask your cooperation in seeing that gum is left at home.

Students who walk or ride their bikes to school are reminded not to arrive prior to 8:55 a.m. as there are no staff members on duty at that time. Students will be asked to remain outside until 8:55 a.m. There is a bike rack in front of the school. It is the student’s responsibility to lock up his/her bike. The school is not liable for damage to or loss of bikes.

School bus transportation is a privilege. The bus driver is in charge of the bus and its occupants at all times. Failure to follow posted school bus rules will result in a write-up and/or suspension from the bus. Questions concerning buses should be directed to the Transportation Department at (614) 801-8550.

To provide a safe environment, bus riders will have only one pick-up and one drop off location. Students may only ride the bus to which they are assigned. An exception may be permitted in the event of a special circumstance when the following criteria are met: 1) student has a signed note from a parent/guardian of each party involved, with date and specific information and signature of parents/guardian; and 2) when there is sufficient space available on the bus. When students will be riding a bus other than their own, they are to bring their parental permission notes to the office at the beginning of the day . The office staff will authorize guest passes to notify the Transportation Department.

If a request to change a student’s transportation location is not put into writing by a parent/guardian and submitted to the school office first thing in the morning, the student will need to follow his/her regular method of transportation home.

Student Conduct on the School Bus

Transportation is a service provided by the South-Western City School District Board of Education and should be regarded as a privilege by students and parents. It is expected that those who ride the school buses will observe classroom conduct at all times. Students and parents both must exercise these responsibilities. Failure to follow posted school bus rules will result in a write-up and/or suspension from the bus. Questions concerning buses should be directed to the Transportation Department at (614) 801-8550.

  1. Students should follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Students are expected to observe classroom conduct at all times while on the bus (see Discipline Code).
  3. Students should leave and board the bus at the designated stop unless they have a note signed by the building principal stating otherwise. This will be done only in emergencies, not for convenience.
  4. Students are not to cross the street to enter or exit the bus until the driver motions them across. Once on residence side, students are to gather at a designated place of safety where they must remain until the bus leaves the stop.
  5. Students must maintain absolute quiet at railroad crossings and other places of danger as specified by the driver.
  6. Students are not permitted to bring on the bus items larger than those which can be held on the lap. Animals, glass, or liquids are not permitted. (ORC 4511.76)
  7. Students may possess, but are not permitted to use, cell phones while on the school bus. (SWCSD Policy 5518)
  8. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones or electronic communication devices brought onto a school bus.
  1. Parents are responsible for the safety and discipline of students while going to and from the bus stop.
  2. Parents are urged to have their children at the bus stop five minutes ahead of time as buses operate on a schedule. This schedule will not permit waiting for tardy students. If your bus is more than 15 minutes late, call the Transportation Department at 614-801-8550.
  3. Parents will be monetarily responsible for any damage done to a bus by their children.
  4. The school does not enter into disputes involving parents and students prior to pickup or after return to the bus stop.
  5. Please do not discuss bus problems with the driver while he/she is on the route. This delays the schedule of the bus. Call the Transportation Department at 614-801-8550.

Arrival Times and Procedures

Students may not enter the building or be on school grounds unattended until 8:55 a.m. on school days. There is no supervision until that time.

Walkers/Car Riders : Children who are walkers or car riders should arrive at school between 8:55 a.m. and 9:10 a.m. No students are to arrive at the building before 8:55 a.m. Staff members are not available to supervise students until 8:55 a.m.

Morning Drop-off : Curbside drop-off is permitted in the designated area only. Cars waiting to enter the drop-off zone must remain in line and wait their turn. Cars need to pull as far forward as possible to allow the greatest number of students to be dropped off at a time. Students must be ready to exit the car when it enters the drop-off zone so traffic can continue to move. If everyone pulls forward and students are ready to exit there will not be traffic backup problems. A staff member is on duty to supervise students entering the building and remind drivers to pull forward.

Bus Riders : Students arriving by bus prior to 8:55 a.m. will wait in the tower area and will proceed to their classrooms at 8:55 a.m. Bus riders arriving after 8:55 a.m. will go directly to their classrooms.

Dismissal Times and Procedures

Buses will be dismissed beginning at 3:45 p.m. Walkers and car riders are dismissed at 3:50 p.m. It is important to remember that the instructional day does not end until 3:55 p.m.; therefore, we ask that you do not pick your child up early unless there is an emergency. When waiting for your child at the end of the school day, please wait outside the school.


Occasionally, students inform us of a change in their dismissal routine. For example, they are to go home with another child, they are to walk rather than ride the bus, or parents/guardians/babysitters will be picking them up. Many times a student is confused about instructions. Any change of routine must be communicated to the teacher in writing and signed by the parent or guardian. For the safety of all children, phone calls to change dismissal plans will not be accepted. Without written notice, we will have the child follow his/her normal routine. This assures that the child and teacher know about the change in plenty of time to make sure that the request is honored.

Please try to schedule appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) before or after school hours. If this is not possible, please notify the teacher and office in writing as soon as possible of the appointment date and time.

Parents/guardians must come to the office to sign the child out of school. Please do not go to the classroom . The office will call down to the classroom and notify the teacher of your arrival. If the child returns later in the day, you must come into the office to sign in the child.

For your child’s safety, we will only release him/her to you or other persons you have identified on the child’s emergency medical form and in Infinite Campus, unless you notify the school otherwise. A child coming to school after 9:30 a.m. needs to be signed in.

Procedures for counting students tardy is a district-wide policy. School begins at 9:10 a.m. and ends at 3:55 p.m. Students who arrive after 9:10 a.m. in their classrooms will be counted tardy (unless their bus is late). Any child who is absent from school for less than 60 minutes will be counted tardy, whether in the a.m. or p.m. If the child is absent from school for more than 60 minutes, he/she will be counted one-half day (1/2 day) absent.

A planned absence form must be completed if you plan for your child to be absent, regardless of length of time. You may pick up a form in the office or call to have one sent home with your child. Please give the school as much advance notice as possible. Please remember that family vacations may NOT be excused absences. Vacations should be scheduled during the school breaks.

When a student has been absent from school, it is the responsibility of that student to contact their teachers on the day of their return, and to make arrangements to make-up any missed assignments or exams. The time limit is to be one day for each day that the student is absent. If a student is absent for 2+ days, a parent may request homework to be picked up in the office.

THE most important goal for all of us at Park Street Intermediate School is the safety of the children. Please follow these procedures to help keep our children safe and secure at school:

Please help us keep our students, staff and school safe by following these simple rules.

If your child is injured at school, we will make him/her comfortable. If the injury is serious, the office will notify the parents/guardians immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact someone at the emergency number listed in Infinite Campus.

We will call the emergency squad, if necessary. Please keep the office informed of changes in any information listed in Infinite Campus. It is extremely important that the names and telephone numbers in Infinite Campus are accurate and up-to-date in case of emergency.

By law, schools are required to have a certain number of safety drills (fire, tornado, lockdown, etc.) during the school year. Tornado drills are held during the months of March through July while school is in session. Lockdown drills are to be conducted under the supervision of the local police department.

For the 2020-21 school year, we will continue to follow the district’s policies and guidelines related to Health Services. Those items can be found on the SWCSD district web page.

Medication at School

Our schools have a health clinic available to students who have medical needs during the school day. The school nurse or her designee will assist the child and determine the immediate medical need. It is important that updated medical information for your child be updated in Infinite Campus at all times. This includes necessary contact information to be used in case of an emergency. The South-Western City School District encourages parents to make every effort to medicate their children at times other than the regularly scheduled school day. If it is necessary for students to receive prescription medication during the school day, it will be done in accordance with board policy 5330 and 5336.

Health screenings are conducted by the SWCSD nursing staff in accordance with Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Department of Education guidelines.

Illness at Home/School

Parents often have trouble knowing whether their child is too ill to go to school. The following guidelines will help you decide. Your child is too ill to go to school if he or she has any of the following symptoms:

When your child has been free of fever for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol®), is feeling better, and has no other symptoms, he/she may return to school.

In cases where a student's injury or illness appears serious, the parents will be contacted and the instructions in Infinite Campus will be followed as the situation allows. When it is impossible to contact the parents, these instructions will be followed: the contact person named in Infinite Campus will be contacted and an emergency medical service may be called.

Any medications taken by students must be in its original container and must be accompanied by a form (available from the office), completed by the physician and signed by the parent/guardian. This includes “over the counter medicine” (for example: aspirin, cough drops, Benadryl, etc.). An adult must bring all medications to school. Do not send medicine to school with a student. Students may carry an inhaler with them if parent/guardian and physician paperwork is completed. A medication administration form must be completed and the physician has to have agreed that the student has the knowledge and ability to carry an inhaler on their person. The school nurse must be notified (by completed paperwork) that the student is carrying an inhaler.

See Wolfpack “PAWSitive Recognition” (pg. 15) and Building wide Step System on page 15.

Reports to Parents/Guardians : Reporting forms will be sent home with the children at NINE-WEEK intervals. In addition, parents/guardians will receive other communication from the teacher, some stating what curricular areas the class is covering and others detailing how their student is progressing.

Parent-Teacher Conferences : Please feel free to contact the teacher at any time during the year if you have questions or concerns about your child’s learning experience, or if you would like to talk with the teacher about anything concerning your child. You can call the office to leave a message for a staff member or send a note to school with your child. Please do not show up at the beginning of the school day or end of the day expecting to have a conference with your child’s teacher. Both of these times are extremely busy for staff as they make preparations to begin or end the school day.

Breakfast and Lunch

Applications for free and reduced breakfast/lunch will be mailed to each eligible family. Only those who wish to apply need to return the forms. When filling out a form, please make sure to check all of the appropriate boxes.

Breakfast : Walkers who wish to eat breakfast, are to be at school by 9:00 a.m. and come into the cafeteria to eat breakfast before going to their classroom. Bus riders who eat breakfast will do so as soon as they arrive at school. Breakfast is $1.00. Some students may qualify for reduced prices.

Lunch : Student lunches cost $2.80 (includes milk) per day. Milk is available for 0.50 cents. Each student has a barcode which is scanned when they make a purchase. Parents/guardians may deposit money in their student’s lunch account, which is accessed through Infinite Campus. The account is debited and parents/guardians are notified when the account is getting low. Adult prices for lunch are slightly higher than student prices. If you are in the building at lunchtime, we encourage you to stay and eat with your child. We do need to notify the kitchen prior to 9:00 a.m. if you plan to buy a school lunch.

The South-Western City School District has the ability to provide a safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to prepay for student meals online. PayPAMS allows parents/guardians the opportunity to pay for their child’s meals from the convenience of home; view their child’s account balance; schedule automatic payments based on account balance; receive low balance email reminders; and view a report of daily spending and cafeteria purchases.

For more information on PayPAMS, please visit the following area of the District Website and take a tour of the system and/or read the helpful tips and answers to frequently asked questions: Food Services Webpage

Food Consumption at School

(In the Interest of Student Wellness and Safety)

Schools are facing a growing issue with student wellness and nutrition, as well as with children who have specific food allergies. Food allergies can be a life threatening situation for some children, and the state of Ohio recently made new food allergy safety recommendations for schools. Some children with allergies are affected not only by the food itself, but by the smell of the food. It is with all children’s wellness and safety in mind that South-Western City School District implemented the following changes and precautions.

While we are pleased to celebrate the gift of your child on his/her birthday, all SWCSD schools will NOT accept cupcakes, cookies or any other birthday party foods to be distributed during class time.

For the safety of all students, we will also NOT be accepting food donations from home for any events during the school day unless they are specifically asked for and reviewed by school staff.

Working together, principals, teachers, and parents/guardians will provide direction for helping kids know how to celebrate with compassion and concern for each unique participant.

Please notify your school office about any known student allergies, using the student medical form, so that teachers and staff can do their best to meet each student’s needs and keep them safe.

Recess Rules and Procedures

  1. Students will be provided the opportunity to use the restroom before the lunch/recess period and must stay outside until recess is over. A child may only re-enter the building with permission from the staff on duty.
  2. Children must remain on the playground area (blacktop and field). They must play away from the doorways and windows.
  3. No throwing of stones, asphalt, mulch or other materials is permitted.
  4. One on one basketball (such as “HORSE”) and passing footballs is allowed while contact sports are not permitted.
  5. There is no tolerance for fighting. Students are encouraged to find other ways to solve problems and will be given assistance by staff when difficulties arise.
  6. Equipment usage :
  1. Students should not bother those having a “time out.”
  2. Students will line up promptly and quietly at the signal.
  3. When coming into the building, students will enter quietly in a line.

When students must be inside for recess due to bad weather, they must follow these rules:

  1. Students need to be seated in one area with an approved activity.
  2. Use quiet voices.
  3. No throwing objects of any kind.
  4. Hands and feet to self.
  5. Put games away neatly. Clean up at the end of the time or at the direction of the staff on duty.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

A student may possess a cellular telephone or other electronic communication devices in school, on school property, at after school activities and at school-related functions. Cell phones and other electronic communication devices shall be turned off and stored out of sight during school hours. Use of cell phones and other electronic communication devices during school hours is prohibited unless authorized by a school administrator.

When directed by an administrator or staff member, cell phones and other electronic communication devices shall be turned off and stored out of sight during school activities outside of the school day.

The use of cell phones and other electronic communication devices is prohibited at all times in restrooms.

Possession of a cellular telephone or other electronic communication device by a student in school or on a school bus is a privilege which may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the terms of this policy, or otherwise engages in misuse of this privilege.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action against the student including confiscation of the cellular telephone or electronic communication device.

The student who possesses a cellular phone or electronic communication device shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones or electronic communication devices brought onto its property or a school bus.

Network and Computer Use

Students are responsible for good behavior on school computers, just as they are in classrooms or school hallways.

Network access is a privilege, not a right. Access requires responsible and lawful use. The network should be used for educational and legitimate business purposes only. See Student Code of Conduct.

Each student attending the South-Western City School District is required to pay a $ 1 0.00 instructional fee. This fee helps to cover the cost of consumable items (art supplies, writing paper, crayons, pencils, markers, copy paper, classroom printer cartridges, etc.), which are used by students during the school year. We realize that some children prefer to bring some of these supplies on their own but there are supplies provided by the school during the year.

Fees can be paid by sending money, check or money order made payable to Park Street Intermediate School. If fees are included for more than one child, please send a note with each child’s name and teacher. In addition, if you still owe instructional fees for the previous year, please make sure to indicate by note for what year you are paying. You may also stop by the office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. to pay the instructional fees. All fees collected from our students stay within our school and are used to purchase supplies for our students only!

Some students may qualify for a waiver of school instructional fees. Fee waivers are determined by free lunch status. If your child qualifies for free lunch, they should also qualify for a fee waiver. Please make sure that you check the box on the free lunch form indicating your permission to share your child’s free lunch status with the Treasurer’s Office. If your child qualified last year, this does not mean that she/he qualifies for the current school year. Please call the school secretary for more information.

Online Payment of School Fees

As a convenience to parents, the South-Western City School District is now offering an online process for the payment of school fees. Visit SWCSD Online Payment of Fees Webpage and follow the steps to pay the school fees online.

Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portal

Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portal LOGIN

One of the important features of Infinite Campus is the Campus Parent Portal. The Portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled within the South-Western City School District. Through the Portal, parents are able to access their student's information, such as class schedules, coursework, attendance and academic reports via the Internet. Parents will also be able to submit updates to emergency and family contact information via the Portal.Parents can also determine how and where they wish to receive emergency communications, attendance calls, general announcement messages, and e-mail messages from teachers, school and the district.

Parents receive their Campus Portal Activation Key in the Back to School Letter mailed home in mid-August, prior to the start of school. Please keep this letter in a safe location and do not share your Activation Key with anyone. If you no longer have your Activation Key , please contact your child's school for parent and/or student Activation Key information. You will need to provide appropriate identification before the school will release this confidential information to you. Again, please keep this information in a safe place and do not share it with anyone else.

Report cards will be issued through the parent po rtal four times during the school year.

A student receiving passing grades or their equivalents in reading/language arts, social studies, mathematics and science will be promoted. A student having failing grades or their equivalents in two (2) or more of the academic subject areas (reading/language arts, social studies, mathematics and science) at the end of each year will have his/her case evaluated by the teacher(s), RTI team or its equivalent, and the principal for placement. A student having failing grades or their equivalents may be assigned to the next higher grade with discretion and only with approval of the sending principal, who shall inform the receiving principal of the circumstances.

During the first few days of school, parents need to update the Parent Portal. Having this information is of the utmost importance. Please remember to put the name and telephone number of at least two people who can be contacted in case you cannot be reached. The more telephone numbers, the better. Please notify the school in writing immediately if you change your address or telephone number(s) during the school year or if an emergency person's contact information is changed.

PAWSitive Recognition at Park Street Intermediate:


Member of the Wolfpack

Consistently makes good choices

Warning/orange paw print/note in agenda book

Time in/out with reflection / orange paw print/note

Student Call Home (with teacher supervision)/ orange paw print/note

After-School Detention / Adult call home / orange paw print/note

Office Referral / orange paw print/note

Automatic Step 5 includes, but is not limited to…